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Small Business Social Media Mistakes to Avoid – by Keynote Speaker David Caruso

“Making a Twitter/Facebook account and linking it to your page, will not push your company to the forefront of everyone’s mind or take your brand to the next level,” says professional key note speaker David Caruso.

Many have tried this laxidasical approach and failed. The internet is littered with these dregs of marketing. Its important to build your reputation not hurt.

In order to avoid becoming a social media failure don’t commit any of these 7 deadly sins.

1. Not understanding your audience.

Who is the prime audience for your company? It is important for a business owner to know where their customers go on the web, which social networks and blogs they frequent. What they want. It is essential to research this, and utilize the information you discover.

2. Not building a proper presence.

Once you understand where your audience online habits, make sure you put your “open for business” sign in the same locations. If your customers ten to be active Facebook addicts, then make sure you have an active Facebook page. If they prefer using LinkedIn,invest your time there.

3. Failing to be congruent.

It’s extremely likely you’ll find yourself engaging with your audience in more than one location. When this happens, be sure to give a congruent experience so that you don’t send mixed messages about your reputation.

4. Not being there 24/7.

For SMEs it’s impossible to monitor the internet constantly for conversations about your reputation. This does not mean you can’t use some automated eyes and ears to assist you. Automated social tools such as Google Alerts, my company Trackur or Radian6 will listen for any talking about your brand, allowing you to join conversations, where you might otherwise have missed.

5. Taking too long to apologise.

Everybody makes mistake, when you do, try apologize quickly as possible. Think of it as a band-aid to your hurt reputation, rip it off quickly and get the pain over with.

6. Not being transparent.

As well as being quick to apologize, try and offer some transparency. How did you let the error occur and what are you doing to stop it happening again.

7. Outsourcing your reputation.

The companies with the best reputations, don’t offload the management of their reputation to cheap labour. When your business is connecting with your audience, you learn and understand their habits more, which leads to better communication and improved service.

If you outsource that to a PR firm, you not only mis out on that connection with your customers, but you also risk them making a horrible mistake, that potential could cause your reputation a lot of harm.